Friday, March 10, 2017

Africa To Brazil Fiber Optics Cable

A fiber optics cable is a cable with certain fibers to carry light. These cables are unique and used for high-speed data transfer. One of these cables is being run underwater from Africa to Brazil by the companies Telebras and Spain's isaLink submarine cables. This one fiber optics cable is going to stretch 6,200 kilometers in length and it is almost 50% done! Although almost 50% done this stage is the most crucial because the research that is being done is causing Japanese Technology Firm NEC (The supplier) to finish its huge fiber optics cable with the right coating.This cable is being built so Google's traffic on its internet will be on its own cable so they can control it. That will make data traffic costs almost 80% cheaper which will truly make this cable revolutionary in high-speed data transfer. This will be a huge leap in technology causing brazil and Africa to have a physical link this is going to be truly amazing.

For more about this story visit


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I agree, it does seem amazing. Just wondering, where are they getting the money for this?

    1. Sorry, the one above had a typo.

    2. It's called google.

  3. I never knew that


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