Friday, March 10, 2017

Self Destructing Technology

Self Destructing Electronics

Scientists at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology in Saudi Arabia have built a new layer of self-defence. A self-destructing program for your device.
The program is supposed to work quickly. It is made of a expandable polymer, which crumples the devices chips in a few seconds. When the program is triggered electrodes pull power from the battery and into the polymer.
There are many other ideas to how to make a device self-destructive, such as a remotely controlled password app that could trigger the self-destruct. Another plus to the self- destruct is that the program only costs $15 dollars to cost. This is a big deal because if the program was any more expensive companies would probably make it cost thousands of dollars!
All in all this program will make the world more efficient and safe.

To find out more visit:


  1. I did the same topic. You wrote about most of the same stuff as me. Nice job, but the only thing is some of the words are bigger than others.

  2. Good job! I did the same article!


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